Curved Glass Repair
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Rocky River, Ohio 44116
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Beveled Bent Glass Light Repair

Beveled Bent Glass Light Repair

March 26th, 2020 Posted in Uncategorized


broken  bent beveled panel

broken bent beveled panel

Out door light with four broken curved beveled glass pieces .  The hard part is the metal  it got bent when the large piece of ice fell and hit the  light. First with a hammer and a piece of wood I repair the metal . On to the glass I made a mold and bent 1/4 inch glass to the pattern needed .Test fit each piece then hand beveled each glass panel.  Installed the new beveled bent glass panels and gave the light a bath.

Ice damaged metal

Ice damaged metal



bent glass test fit

bent glass test fit

Hand bevel glass panel

Hand bevel glass panel

Polish bevel and install

Polish bevel and install

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